Uncategorized – ACR Haiti https://www.acrhaiti.net Wed, 05 Jan 2022 16:52:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.7.6 https://www.acrhaiti.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/ACR-logo-100x100.png Uncategorized – ACR Haiti https://www.acrhaiti.net 32 32 Looking Back at 2021 https://www.acrhaiti.net/looking-back-at-2021/ Tue, 04 Jan 2022 19:34:33 +0000 https://www.acrhaiti.net/?p=919

Happy New Year! We hope that this new year blesses you with health, wealth, and happiness.

As we enter into this new year, we want to take time and look back at all the events in the past year that relate to the Association for the Children, Regnier, and the Institution Mixte de Regnier (IMR). Please join us in this reflection by viewing and downloading the end-of-year newsletter. Please click on each photo or download the file for a more improved reading experience!

We thank you again for your support in this past year. We hope that you will continue to keep ACR and the students at IMR in your thoughts and prayers as we enter into 2022!

Announcing Winners for Pot of Gold Raffle https://www.acrhaiti.net/announcing-winners-for-pot-of-gold-raffle/ Wed, 01 Sep 2021 14:29:22 +0000 https://www.acrhaiti.net/?p=852 Thank you all for your patience in this announcement!

Yesterday evening, we chose winners of the Pot of Gold and Green Raffle.

Here are the results! We collected $11,155 from 2,231 tickets sold. Our first prize winner: Ronald B. sold by Paulette Charleus (Ticket #1092), winning $1,115.50. Second prize winner: Delcon F. sold by Guilaine Pierre-Paul (Ticket #1717), $557.75. Congratulations to the winners! This leaves ACR with a profit of $9,481.75, ($303.40 was subtracted from the grand total to account for expenses attributed to the raffle) Thank you all for your support!

Here’s the video of the ticket selection!

Featured Article in Le Nouvelliste https://www.acrhaiti.net/featured-article-in-le-nouvelliste/ Mon, 30 Aug 2021 20:55:11 +0000 https://www.acrhaiti.net/?p=842

The story of the Institution Mixte de Regnier (IMR) was recently shared in an article from Le Nouvelliste, a Haitian newspaper. Written by Valery Daudier, the article details a brief history of the school and the impacts of the earthquake. The article can be read here: https://lenouvelliste.com/article/231277/limr-la-seule-ecole-de-regnier-detruite-par-le-seisme and is written in French, though Internet browsers such as Google Chrome and Safari may translate the article to your preferred language.

We would like to thank Le Nouvelliste for featuring this story. If you are interested in supporting our organization as we rebuild, please visit our GoFundMe page: https://gofund.me/0c1247ac

Help Us Rebuild the Institution Mixte de Regnier https://www.acrhaiti.net/help-us-rebuild-the-institution-mixte-de-regnier/ Mon, 16 Aug 2021 21:54:10 +0000 https://www.acrhaiti.net/?p=814

Institution Mixte de Regnier is more than just a K-13 school. Its contributions to the nearby community are seen in its use as a multipurpose facility, reception hall, and even shelter in the face of hurricanes.

The 7.2-magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti on Saturday destroyed the school’s main building and structurally compromised the cafeteria and pre-school. The financial burden to clear out the rubble and rebuild is especially significant, as recent fundraising efforts were used to support general school operations.

Please consider donating to our organization so we may strengthen and return this school and critical cultural center back to the community. You can donate to our organization through direct payments through Zelle by sending donations to acr@acrhaiti.net or through our mailing address:

PO Box 1257
Baldwin, NY, 11510

Additionally, donations can be made to our GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/9b94665c 

We thank you for your generosity and consideration! 

Happy New Year! https://www.acrhaiti.net/happy-new-year/ Sun, 10 Jan 2021 13:45:51 +0000 https://www.acrhaiti.net/?p=773 Season’s Greetings ACR Family,

We do hope that you and your loved ones are well at the beginning of this new year. We wanted to provide an update for the Association for the Children of Regnier Haiti’s school. Institution Mixte de Regnier reopened on August 10th to end the 2019-2020 school year. The 9th and 13th graders scored an average of 80% on their Haiti’s Board of Education National Exams. The 2020-2021 school year began on November 9th and we have over 300 students!

In this new year, we ask that you remember ACR Haiti in your plans; it’s important to stop and reflect on the joy and blessings in your own life and also being aware that not everyone is so fortunate. With that in mind, please consider setting aside part of your budget to support the work of ACR Haiti with a tax-deductible charitable donation.

We’re proud to announce that we are happy participants of Amazon Smile, where a portion of purchases goes toward ACR Haiti: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/11-3254308

Alternatively, you can donate to the organization in five ways:

1. Sending donations directly to acr@acrhaiti.net using Zelle
2. Using the online portal found on the organization’s website: www.acrhaiti.net/donate
3. Donating through ACR’s GoFundMe page which can be found on ACR’s Facebook and Instagram pages, or by navigating to this link: https://gf.me/u/x7zg5y
4. Give to this cause through Givelify: https://www.givelify.com/givenow/1.0/NjgzNzI=/selection
5. Mailing donations directly to the following address:
PO Box 1257
Baldwin, NY 11510

Remember, ACR is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; all donations are tax-deductible. Providing for the children of Regnier and neighboring villages would not be possible without your support. We thank you in advance for your contribution!

We hope that this new year will be prosperous for you all!

Maryse Cadet

Contribute to ACR with AmazonSmile https://www.acrhaiti.net/contribute-to-acr-with-amazonsmile/ Wed, 09 Sep 2020 23:12:20 +0000 https://www.acrhaiti.net/?p=765 Did you know that you can contribute to ACR while doing your Amazon shopping?

Through the AmazonSmile program, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to ACR. In order to shop through AmazonSmile, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on this link or go to “https://smile.amazon.com” and select “Get Started”
  2. Log in to your Amazon account or create a new account
  3. Search for and/or select “Association for the Children of Regnier, Haiti”

With these three simple steps, you can contribute to the organization all while buying your necessities.
